Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Incessant Rants.

Today is the day that I really have nothing of consequence to talk about. I wish this was a two-sided conversation because then you could actually give me a topic to discuss, rather than listen to me talk about how awesome it was to meet Sarah Palin yesterday. Or about how I had an awkward one-on-one conversation with one of my professors, concerning his dating life. Both of those situations are regrettably factual.
I've got roughly 48 hours until I get the key to my new (not really new) apartment. We are moving to this place that my best friend Mary likes to call the "crack shacks" which doesn't really rest easy on my weary soul.... Surprisingly though, I've never been so excited about anything. The place is cheap and moving everything is going to be a huge hassle, but it's my first place that I'm paying for. My parent's names are not listed anywhere on the leasing agreement. THAT'S A HUGE STEP, EH???? I'mAnAdultI'mAnAdultI'mAnAdult. It sounds weird when you say that really fast. No more smelly dorms, no more campus rules, no more bunk beds (even though bunk bed forts are the coolest). I'll miss being walking distance from classes and having all of my closest friends right next door, but this is all worth it. PLUS now all I have to do is convince Mary to let me get a little kitten....

This is kind of weird to describe, but whenever I'm stuck in my college mundane life, my thoughts and thinking process becomes almost mundane as well. You get heavily into your routine that you never stop to take a break and really see that You Are Living Your Life. If all you do is finish your homework, go to work at your scheduled time, go to bed so you'll have the correct amount of hours, eat this type of food, say this type of thing, read these types of books... well WHAT THE HELL. That's not living at all. As soon as Mary and I left campus to look for apartments, it struck me like a school bus hitting Regina George. THIS IS MY FREAKING LIFE AND LOOK WHAT I'M DOING WITH IT. I don't want to have a mundane life filled with equally mundane thoughts. It makes me feel like vomiting repetitively. I promise I won't, it just makes me feel like it.
SO in order to correct this poorly-lived lifestyle, I have come up with a list of things, or life ambitions if you will. I don't guarantee that I will follow all of them, but I sure as heck will try. And if you're cool and still reading this, you should try some of these too. It would bring lack-luster pleasure to my mundane soul.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Relationships 101 (just kidding...)

I was watching TV the other day, and this episode of Law and Order SVU came on. Now, I don't normally watch this show because it's just way too over my head. I'd have better luck watching CSPAN than that show. Not to mention the fact that the characters are too annoying and the theme song sounds like it was made in the 80's. Or on garage band. ANYWAY the point is, the show came on.
One of the guys with the black hair (if you actually watch this show, I have no idea what the characters names are. So CTFO and bare with me) was trying to calm this woman down. As this woman is just freaking out about how her daughter was lost or stolen or something, she goes, "My ex boyfriend would be able to help, he knows her better than anyone. But we can't talk to each other because we broke up last week."
Okay now HOLD ON JUST ONE FLYING SECOND. Why can't you talk to your ex boyfriend?! Is there some type of language barrier in which you (obviously) speak English and he only knows various types of Medieval Latin? Because in my eyes, that is the only logical reason as to why you shouldn't be able to talk to your EX BOYFRIEND, Ms. Fictitious-character-on-a-stupid-show.
But come on. Seriously. In my opinion, I don't see how you could spend so much time devoted to your "other half" and then just decide all of the sudden that you can't speak to each other because you broke up last week. Way too many times have I heard about this situation (not to mention the fact that I have been in this situation as well) and just didn't understand the severity of their actions. Maybe this is just showing off my fact that I don't have an abundance of replaceable/recyclable people in my life, but it just doesn't make sense to me. SEND YOUR EXES FUNNY TEXTS. WRITE ON THEIR FACEBOOK WALL. This isn't flipping middle school anymore. jfakoweiaflkf. Okay. I'm calm.
I'm not trying to say that you should pop over to your exe's house every tuesday to have Starbucks Sumatra blended coffee and watch Golden Girls reruns. And I'm definitely not saying that you should ever keep in touch with an ex gf/bf if they ever abused you, either physically or mentally. All I'm saying is, don't cause drama that doesn't exist. Just because you are not in a relationship with that person, does that mean you still have to wipe them clean from your life forever? TELL ME IF I'M WRONG, FOLKS.

Signs (not the cheesy Mel Gibson movie)

I've got an overwhelmingly large amount of things to do today (all of which may include copious amounts of procrastination), but writing a blog about aliens seems like a better idea.
Okay now WAIT. I know what you're thinking, and I guarantee it's something along the lines of, "Aliens?? WTF! Aliens are weird/don't exist, I'm done reading this shizz. I'm clicking back over to my Hulu tab of Glee where Rachel decides she wants to get a nose job and then New Directions sing a catchy Lady Gaga song in order to change her mind." And dudes, I fully support that. BUT, when they're showing the annoying 2 minute commercial break ads, switch back over and read this.
Okay, in all seriousness folks, I don't know if I believe in aliens either, you know? I got this book at the library (yes, I go to the library) and it was about this middle-aged man who claims to have been abducted multiple times by aliens. I understand that kind of jumps the gun a bit into the, "I saw a glittery UFO over Walmart once!" to "I'm a psycho who needs medical attention." But it wasn't even him just claiming that he has been abducted throughout the book. He actually possesses documented proof of everything he claims. And even if all of these circumstances were faked, that's a lot of time/money/effort put into pointless gimmicks.
Okay, so back to this book. The guy's name is Stan Romanek. The majority of his connections with "Alien Life Forms" ranged from seeing UFO's in the skies, writing down highly scientific equations, and even going as far as capturing video footage of extraterrestrials peeping through his window. This is just a very brief amount of happenings that he encountered, all ranging up to close encounters of the fourth kind. I'm doing a really poor job of describing this bro's situation to you, so I think that you should just find his book at a library or at B&N and read it. Even if you don't believe everything he says (which you'd be a complete idiot for just believing everything you read), he does have a lot of scientific information and historical facts on the universe as well. Which is totes interesting too.
Now, what kind of creeps me out a little was the fact that this guy lives walking distance from my apartment. Here's a little bit of mapping for you.

Letter A is where I live, and letter B is where Stan Romanek had his first UFO sighting. Like AHHHHHjakfljawefje. It's so eerie and creepy and kind of mind boggling to me...
Okay. This rant has kind of turned into somewhat of a mini book review/freak out session. What I am trying to say is that it's kind of foolish to believe that we are the only civilization in the universe, much less our own galaxy. There's this equation called the Drake Equation (N=N*Fp*Ne*Fl*Fi*Fc*Fl)
which is used to determine the number of detectable ET civilizations in our galaxy. Once you've done all of the math, the answer comes out to be roughly 1,000 planets in just OUR galaxy that possess attributes similar to earth's atmosphere. Seriously Folks!! (AHHHHH) I guess what I'm trying to say is, is it really possible that out of the 100 billion stars in our universe, we are the only ones? THINK ABOUT IT, FOOLS.